August 26, 2015

Lecture Highlights Breast Cancer in SKSH

SKSH held a lecture entitled “Let’s Know Breast Cancer” on the occasion of the beginning a breast cancer campaign which is held by the hospital to increase awareness about breast cancer among women and introduce them to…
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August 25, 2015

SKSH Removes a 15 cm sized Liver Cancer invading Gallbladder

SKSH recorded a new medical accomplishment by curative resection of 15 cm sized liver cancer in a 41-year-old UAE female patient….
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August 19, 2015

SKSH Receives 7 Thousand Patients and Conducts 136 Diverse Surgeries

SKSH received about 7000 patients during the past seven months and 570 patients were admitted. About 136 diverse surgeries in oncology, cardiovascular and neuroscience fields…
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August 3, 2015

Mr. Mohammed Issa Abdullah is awarded for ‘Patient star employee of July’

Mr. Mohammed Issa Abdullah is awarded for ‘Patient star employee of July’ in the managerial meeting held on Aug 3rd…..
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July 21, 2015

‘Well-groomed Nurse’ for Ms. Laurice De Belen Tagalag

OPD awards Ms. Laurice De Belen Tagalag for ‘Well-groomed Nurse’ on July 21th in Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital….
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