‘Well-groomed Nurse’ for Ms. Laurice De Belen Tagalag

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OPD awards Ms. Laurice De Belen Tagalag for ‘Well-groomed Nurse’ on July 21th in Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital.

OPD enacts the award ‘Well-groomed Nurse’ for outstanding professional appearance, well-dressed, and meticulously neat who represents to be a model nurse to others. The award presents only 1 persons every half year.

Ms. Oh Pil Joo, Chief Nurse Officer, CNO said, “Especially nurses locates as Moments Of Truth. Their appearances are very important to give a positive image of hospital to patients. So we enact the award to remind the nurses how important is and to develop better patient care.”

Ms. Laurice De Belen Tagalag, working in Neuroscience Center as staff nurse, joined the hospital December 2014. She attained the glory of being the first ‘Well-groomed nurse’.

By the way, ‘Best Nurse of the July’ award to Mr. Ronald Celestial Tomulto. ‘Best Nurse of the month’ presents for For outstanding performance, service, and dedication which will be held monthly.