SKSH Highlights Colon Cancer in a Lecture
Published by SKSH at Sep 30, 2015
Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital in Ras Al Khaimah (SKSH-RAK) organized a lecture about Colon Cancer titled “Let’s Know about Colon Cancer” on the occasion of the beginning of the early cancer screening program which is held by the hospital. The program aims for disseminating health awareness among the employees and introducing them to the disease, its causes, checkup and treatment methods and importance of early detection.
Dr. Intaek Lee, Colorectal Surgeon in SKSH stated that colon cancer is the most common cause of death noting that the factors of the disease are family history, unhealthy lifestyle, changes of bowel habit such as constipation or diarrhea, bleeding after defecation, smoking, persistent abdominal discomfort, excessive alcohol, anemia in blood test and unexplained weight loss.
He also assured that early detection, physical activity, following healthy balanced meals, good nutrition and avoiding alcohol are the best ways to avoid the negative repercussions of the disease. Both financial and psychological burdens that may be experienced by the patient and his family during the treatment journey may take longer than expected due to negligence and lack of awareness of the disease.
“SKSH-RAK has the latest machines and technologies that are required for the diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer. The hospital has lately included a new technology to remove the colon cancer tumor through colonoscopy in order to reduce the complications suffered by the patient after the surgery such blood loss or blood transfusion or others that may affect the respiratory system or ulcers. Colonoscopy causes less pain due to its small size and the patient can leave the hospital and resume his normal life quickly”, he said.
He also noted that complete surgeries require a large incision of 20 cms of the affected area with traditional open procedures. With the advancement of technology and development of new techniques, there are now minimally invasive options (with small incisions) that are just as effective. Minimally invasive colon surgery usually reduces the pain and scarring from the procedure and may speed the recovery process. It is recommended for all people above 50 years old to do colon regular and routine tests to avoid the disease.