Centers & Divisions


Excellence in clinical care is an essential mission of our department. The role of anesthesiologists in our department is not limited to the operating theaters. More and more anesthesiologists are asked to practice outside the OT, and play key roles in many areas of the hospital. We direct the Intensive Care Units, the Pain  Program, the Post Anesthesia Care Units and we are involved in other offsite areas such as the cardiac catheterization laboratory, MRI, endoscopy, endovascular, neurovascular, and other radiologic areas. Our involvement supports our belief that the responsibility for anesthetic management encompasses patient care throughout the patients hospital and outpatient experience.

Our operating theaters are arranged geographically by surgical subspecialty. Each area is staffed by a highly specialized anesthesia faculty who concentrate their clinical time and expertise in a specific area.

There are important advantages to this specialized arrangement. Our patients receive their anesthetic care from clinicians who have extensive experience with the type of procedure they are undergoing and their individual concerns. Secondly, it encourages a work climate in which mutual trust, respect and understanding between surgeons, procedure lists and anesthesiologists grow out of working together regularly.

Our clinical divisions consist of:

  • Anesthesia for Ear, Nose & Throat
  • Anesthesia for Genitourinary and Cystoscopic Surgery
  • Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
  • Critical Care (Intensive Care Unit)
  • General Surgical Anesthesia
  • Neuroanesthesia
  • Obstetric and gynecological Anesthesia
  • Pain Medicine
  • Pediatric Anesthesia
  • Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
  • Regional Anesthesia
  • Pre-Operative Anesthesia Evaluation and Consultations

Our Doctors

Dr. Taikyung Seol

Consultant, MD, PhD
Representative of Anesthesiology

Dr. Claudio Di Corato

Consultant, MD
Head of Cardiac Critical Care

Dr. Tarek Moustafa

Consultant, MD

Dr. Nadia Hoarau

Consultant, MD

Dr. Jorge Cuervo

Specialist, MD